upcoming projects

La Citadelle de Marseille & Iméra / France
Artistic Residency for the project “Citadelle chimérique, pour un art sentinelle”
February - July 2025

Imbiss-Imbau / Germany

w/ Build*lab. Artistic intervention in Public space (summer 2024) 
Supported by the grant Projektfond Urbane Praxis. 


ENSA Marseille (on going) / France
Teaching position for “KOLOSSAL” project ; responsible for practical experiences. Creation of a theatrical walk through la Butte des Charmes with the students & public performance.

B.U.I.L.D*lab (on going) / Germany
Constructive and Culinary project in Gropiusstadt ; How welcome does one feel in 2024 in Gropiusstadt? 

OSTEN Festival - La relève & Raumlabor / Germany
Scenography for Osten festival 2024 in Wolfen

Stiftung Freizeit / Germany
Kinder Architektur Museum Hamburg. Design and planification


Collectif Trouble
+ Project «Habiter La Folie» for Club de Bridge / France
Questioning life in suburbarea «La Folie» in Poitiers. Workshops, perfomances, lectures, walks,...

+ BALATORIUM / Hungary
Granted with Culture Moves Europe funding
Research & Creation on thematics of «invasive species» around Balaton Lake
• Research & Creation Residencie : April 2023
• Exhibition : August 2023 & October 2023

B.U.I.L.D*lab (on going) / Germany, France + Kitchen @ Chaix & Morel / Berlin
+ Mar’Serrre / Marseille
Greenhouse out of reused materials
+ PinkPflasterProjekt (on going) / Berlin
Fixing public space with reused materials
+ Manege (on going) / Berlin
Building workshops for kids in popular district Neukölln

Quelques Formes Discretes - La Sorbonne / Paris
Conception & construction of the scenographie for the exhibition “Quelques Formes Discrètes” by artist Kaspar Ravel in the frame of their residency at La Sorbonne

Stiftung Freizeit (on going) / Germany
Kinder Architektur Museum Hamburg. Design and planification

Constructlab - The last Resort / Belgium
Experimentation around the topics of tourism and its needs in the current society. How sustainable can humans be? What are our needs? How do we sleep, eat, sit, use water, read the landscape,...?


Floating University Berlin / Germany
Construction of the instalations for the year 2022

Collectif Trouble
+Alpha Charlie Trouble / Germany - France
Creation residencies for ALPHA CHARLIE TROUBLE (theatre) by Collectif Trouble
• L’arbre Barvard (5 days) Andouillé, France
• Liebken / Haus der Statistik (7 days) Brandenburg - Berlin, Germany
• Le Fil Bleu (10 days) Dordogne, France

B.U.I.L.D*lab / Germany
+ Rugenspeicher / Germany
Conception & construction of furniture made out of reused materials

WHOLE United Queer Festival / Germany
Conception & construction of the scenographie for the Crane Stage with 100% re-used materials

La Relève & Raumlabor / Germany
+ OSTEN / Germany
Construction & adaptation to the site af an artistic installation for the contemporary art festival OSTEN in Bitterfeld

Raumlabor & Haus der Statistik / Germany
Construction of working spaces for the pionniers users of the «Haus der Statistik» ; stages, offices, exhibition spaces, ateliers.


Raumlabor & Haus der Statistik / Germany
Construction of working spaces for the pionniers users of the «Haus der Statistik» ; stages, offices, exhibition spaces, ateliers.

Bruit du Frigo / France
+ Ateliers deconcertants / France
Participative construction in Grenoble, in the Géants district. Creation of urban furniture allowing the inhabitants to meet, to exchange and to be heard on the future of their district.
+ La Fabrique Pola / France
Construction of an immersive art piece for the festival «La mêlée» at la Fabrique Pola
in Bordeaux
+ Le Bon Lieu Annecy / France
Construction of an outdoor stage for le Bon Lieu scène nationale in the frame of the festival Annecy Paysages

2013 - 2021

GRAFT Architekten Berlin / German
Fundamental.Berlin / Germany 
Jakob + Macfarlane Paris / France  
Ateliers Jean Nouvel Paris / France