
w/ Alizée Serazin and Carmen Staiano

Build.lab operates since 2022 in Berlin and France, combining workshops, constructions in public space, improvisations around reused materials. To see a list of our projects, scroll to the bottom of the page.

Among our projects, we find PinkPflasterProjekt (PPP) which animates us as a long-term project. PPP is a project imagined to give inhabitants, users and passers by the opportunity to reclaim and regain possession of public space, countering the processes of gentrification, touristification, sterilisation and privatisation of some parts of the city.

In this sense, PPP aims to recreate interest and connection between the inhabitants and their living environment, as well as between the inhabitants themselves, by healing the «sick» spaces of the city and making them accessible, attractive and inclusive again.

Rather than a finished object, the PPP can be seen as a process for public space appropriation and empowerment of residents in the positive transformation of their living environment.  It consists of a series of simple interventions following the same « rules of the game ».

B.U.I.L.D*lab : Building Unique Interconected Loving Dimensions

Speicherstuhl - 2022 // En Forme - 2023 // Mar’Serre - 2023 //
PPP - 2023, en cours //Manege - 2023 // Imbiss-Imbau - 2024, en cours

photos ©


#construction #reuse #publicspace #reappropriation