Artist-architect moving between Berlin and Marseille, Mathilde is a scenographer of public space. After studying architecture in Paris and Rio de Janeiro, she moved to Berlin where she worked in major architectural firms. Her desire to inscribe her work in a political approach to the current dynamics of life leads her to leave the conventional structures of architecture to explore less visited paths.
Her approach to projects, resolutely anchored in the places welcoming her, is transdisciplinary. Contemplative of the society in which we evolve, M positions herself as a tool, a lever for human and non-human emergences on the scale of neighborhoods, urban wastelands or pebbles.
Mathilde was attracted early on by the research process and the consideration of architecture as an investigation in motion. M considers social dynamics and the livings as constitutive and essential elements of architecture. In opposition to the immuability advocated by the contemporary conception of architecture, the practice is fluid; research and field investigation, construction of installations in public space,...
Her practice involves the construction of installations in situ, staging in public spaces, workshops open to the public, scenography and numerous hybrid forms. In 2018, she co-founded the collectif Trouble in Berlin, with which she explores the same questions through the prism of theatre. In 2021, B.U.I.L.D*lab is being created, a MINTA construction collective seeking to overturn the mechanisms of domination in the construction world.
In 2024, Mathilde started teaching fictional theatre as a way to read public space at the Architecture School of Marseille (ENSA Marseille).
In 2025, she will be the artist in residence at La Citadelle de Marseille & Iméra for her project “Citadelle chimérique, pour un art Sentinelle”